Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hillel Piece On Site

This is what the Hillel piece looks like in place. We are all thrilled with how it all turned out and it looked lovely through the window last night after services. All in all a very successful first public commission!

Sock in Progress

I am treating myself to a pair of handmade socks while working on everything else. This is my evening tv project or my in the car project and sometimes my at Donkey project. I started last Sunday. I'm using the toe-up generic pattern from the new Vogue Knitting Ultimate Sock book and Arucania wool/nylon blend. They are very luscious on the feet and leg :) I need to pick up some elastic for the tippy top to make sure they stay up but other than that I am very pleased for just winging it.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Sleeved, labelled and *everything*. I am so glad I made the sleeve yesterday. I usually put it off til last, but as I was angsting over the lettering and having an odd schedule day, I chose to make the sleeve first. Details to follow, let's just say I am relieved it is finished, but will miss it because it really did more than I thought it would do when I first accepted the commission. We hang it tomorrow.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Almost Finished

The Hillel piece is nearly completed. Yesterday I added the stars, the day before that the new backing and edging. This weekend I will begin the buildings and Monday confirm the quote that is to go in the bricks. Even though it's a large (by my previous standards) piece and so a challenge to quilt etc, I am enjoying it more and more as each piece gets added.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hillel Piece Progress Report

Machine embroidery! All that is left is the grape leaves in this shot.


Full view (slightly bent because the piece is on the sofa)

Figs, pomegranates and olives.

Next: star brick quilting in the bricks and then it is on the buildings and stars (I'm saving the quote for last)